You're Fired The Movie - The Show Must Go On!

3 months ago

You're Fired The Movie - The Show Must Go On!

“Very well put together video done by Shaking My Head Productions showing all the symbolism surrounding the "attempted" assassination of Trump. It was scripted, it was planned to the finest detail.

There are just too many questions; we know the world is a stage and that satan and his legions feast on fear, anxiety and the constant overthinking of what will happen next. They have to keep the world confused, and most importantly deceived and they have been doing this since the beginning of creation.

They have just used different tools in different ages and kingdoms to devour and destroy. Now they have the media and paid actors to do their bidding, and even worse than that, they have clones, and masks, it is all a huge feature movie. You are part of The Truman Show. Everything is fake and gay but we are all forgetting something, that everything is Biblical. We are living in a Biblical scripted reality because this is all about Jesus; we are caught in a war between satan, his fallen and our Heavenly Father. Father loves us so much that He sent His Son in the flesh so that we could be reconciled back to Him and the devil despises this because all we need is faith in what Jesus did for us on the cross.

Satan and his legions want to distract you, spin false doctrines, create psy-ops and MK Ultra the world but guess what we are the ones with eyes to see and ears to hear. We can see right through all the fakeness and theatre.

The last thing I am going to say is this. The moon landing was fake, 911 was a ritual, the Corona virus was fake, so unless you have discernment and know what is right in front of you, you will not be able to see and will be sheep led to the slaughter. The one thing that is not fake is the corona virus vaccine because we have seen with our own two eyes what happens to our loved ones who got the kill shot.

All of the theatre was for this one moment and they achieved the plotline that had 6 billion people taking it. Who brought this kill shot? Who boasts that the shot was a medical miracle made within 9 months (the same time as a pregnancy - like a woman in travail). What was Operation Warpspeed? This was all done by Donald Trump.

If anyone fits the antichrist knowing how much death he has on his hands, this is him, with his boastful words and two faced act.”

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