End Times Will Unveil Many False Prophets (Brandon Biggs, Grace, and Cioccolanti)

7 months ago

We live in Interesting times Where Luciferian are pulling the wool over all the eyes that refuse to open and see what is happening behind the scenes.

It is not prophesy... all the secret societies running the USA and the West serve the old devils, Homo capensis. If you keep letting fakers like Trump run your country then you will prove yourselves incapable to remove the monsters from rule of your Western country. The eclipses were the signal that the Luciferians like of the black-hole-sun finishing drawing up a Triangle of A.i.Lucifer over the USA's nation. The cover-photo is part of the Luciferians changing the law to ancient religious law and removing the constitutional republic. In order to save you country you will need to remove the traitors from their political power ... that include the actor Trump.

The ancient devils have been ruling the USA for centuries, since it's beginning and now the A.i. supercomputer is given the job to run the entire Earth and Homo capensis just sits back and lets the supercomputer the Freemasons Homo sapiens built take-over with the annihilation of humanity. The remaining Remnant-Lumanian monsters just sit back and watch the Mystery School cUlt destroy the West that Freemasons built through trickery of the non-cUlt-sworn people(called sheep or goyim).

Homo capensis have orchestrated the past to build-up the Western Civilization into the superpower of the entire world and where the sheeple of the USA, if smart enough, could realize the trickery and take control of the country's politics that is still able to work as the constitutional republic was designed to work. The only thing stopping the republic from working as designed is the corruption that the sheeple are willing to let slide. The corrupt Freemasons are left in control of the police and nobody in the sheeple community who discovers it is willing to put their life on the line to clean out the corruption.
The corruption in the politics was allowed to exist and the death of JFK and the conspiracy around the assassination just shows that the sheeple did not care enough as a nation to correct the corruption. The Christian hold up their bibles and claim the truth is in their hands, yet they would not cleans the corruption from the politics that JFK died to expose.
You see, the old devils were asking the truth-seekers to step forward and cleans the devil out of the police, the FBI, the CIA, the military, the nation, but the sheeple did not want to take on controlling their own country that they chant-for "USA, USA, USA" after corrupt-Freemason-Trump pretended to be shot. It has all been a very bad acting scene since WW1, WW2 and now WW3 is where A.i. is used to guide humanity towards extinction because the sheeple are willing to let corruption rule over the land.

The old devils have designed the corruption of the West and the sheeple gave into the corruption... have gone along with the corruption because it was easy to do. Freemasons see themselves a tools of the devils, and it is the sheeple who they expect to save homo sapiens from extinction.
Freemasons only had to rebel from following order from the devils and they are the ones who could have stopped designing the extinction of homo sapiens... you see it is the unworthy traitors who are to blame for their own extinction. The dumbed down sheeple just go along for the probable-world destruction that the traitors were to afraid to rebel against. Freemasons and Luciferians like to blame the sheeple for not awakening or stopping the corruption when it was the task of the traitors to wake-up and stop helping the devils destroy humanity. Because the mind-upload fake salvation into A.i. is just another lie from the old devils. There is no going to the stars, suckers, you corrupt your souls and you die and face your maker and explain why you are a failed soul-fragment. There is no "Ad Astra per Aspera" suckers... all you traitors have done for yourselves is to destroy your own souls due to chosen wickedness and resulting murderous-unworthiness.

The devils have not destroyed the dumbed down sheeple's souls... the devils have simply helped the secret society thUgs to destroy their own souls... but you thUgs are not dead yet, so you can still save your own souls... like the peaceofficer: https://ugetube.com/watch/ex-freemason-peaceofficer-exposes-presidents-are-luciferians_GipQdbNB9youE24.html

Source: https://old.bitchute.com/video/Ey0qVzG8_vU/

Reference Karen Hudes: https://old.bitchute.com/video/PxPBJVDGqstO/

Brainchipzombies bio-robots like the patsy that shot Trumps ear... it was all staged: https://old.bitchute.com/video/I6icy0uZVv5b/

Elongated skull ancient GMO mankind(Homo capensis): https://old.bitchute.com/video/28cyR1RyvprN/

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