More dogs playing, plus some dog tales

5 months ago

Heather has a whole pack of dogs. Inside dogs and outside dogs, big dogs and little dogs. They all like me, dogs generally do.

Bentley is the big white livestock guardian dog. He doesn't really like anybody, but he lets me pet him. Heather couldn't believe that when I told her, so I had to send a picture for proof 😂 They have to sedate him for the vets to even trim his nails, Heather is the only other person he lets in the pen with his sheep. He's very territorial, you can see the way he guards against Kiwi because she is a strange dog to him - but he doesn't do anything but keep a close eye on her because she is on the other side of the fence, even though she is teasing him and growls at him a little. He also snaps at the other female that gets too close - he is a bit jealous and wants my attention all for himself, he doesn't need another female getting into his personal space so he corrects her quickly and she backs off.

I started telling the story Lynn told me about the time Heather asked her to go walk the dogs for her because I was not around to do it (for once...). She got over there and Bentley was out loose in the yard, and he would not let her get out of her car 😂 The Lucas' are dog people, but they are always impressed and say I have the "golden touch" when it comes to Bentley. The trick is to just not be scared - dogs can tell what kind of energy you bring to the table and they will reflect it right back at you - if you are calm and relaxed, they will be, too.

Chip was another well-loved dog of mine. I met him at Heather's and knew him for a while before he was mine. He was a goosing dog, he had a real job working for the MIC - in a roundabout way 😂 He had clearance for the Lockheed Martin facility here to do his work - pretty bad ass dog - they couldn't do military helicopter flight tests there without him. He was a crazy, wild, complex, silly dog that made me laugh and that's why I fell in love with him right away. He was a stand-out in the pack, from the get-go - totally unique. I miss him.

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