Why you need LIGHT to survive / Light Codes & The Body

6 months ago

"Not all light is equal - but all light has purpose" - Archangel Metatron - What does he mean?
Do you know what Light Codes are? Do you understand why light is as critical to the body as food and water?
Seeing light in others and all things, discussing light quotients and detriments, including false light.
Why certain light levels are a crossroads and we can self sabotage going higher.
Do you want to learn about changing DNA, our future projections regards changes to the human structure - what we gain - but also what we may loose - all triggered by light or darkness?
Light as an illuminator, a healer and away back to wellness
Looking at three powerful colour energies to guide us through these days - white light, Rainbow ray and Elemental Brown - how we can integrate and keep hold of portal light.
Why we sabotage and leak light? How we can better defend ourselves and ensure the journey is completed and all achievements reached.
Looking at the camel as a power animal who understands conservation and endurance.
Different energies of light including galactic, angelic, moonlight, dusk etc
@AmandaEllis #lightcodes #angels #galactics #lightworker

My promotional box set 'Integrating Light Codes' is available here, with 4 free crystals for the first 50 orders; the set includes White Light Light Download, Rainbow Ray Upgrade & Expansion, and Earth Elemental Ground
Archangel Metatron Self Mastery Oracle deck by Amanda Ellis & Jane Delaford Taylor


Messages from your animal guides Steven D Farmer

To donate (thank you) https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/amandaellisthankyou

My OFFICIAL AND ONLY INSTAGRAM PAGE (currently 48.2K followers as of July 2024) is ANGELIC CELESTIAL COLOURS. I DO NOT OFFER READINGS, Ask you to follow me or private message you - BEWARE OF SCAMMERS.
This is my link to my account - join us there for daily news: https://www.instagram.com/angeliccelestialcolours/?hl=enI
I am also NOT on Tik Tok so ignore Scammers there too!

Music Intro: - https://omegagon.bandcamp.com - my intro music is from his album Aether the track is called Two Worlds.

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