Esoteric Maryhill Stonehenge | Richland Masonic Secret | 33° Explained | Vatican | Astoria Column

6 months ago

Disclaimer: I am not a Freemason. This article is neither a promotion of Freemasonry or a condemnation of Freemasonry. I am simply an outside observer, non-member, who has discovered many of the secrets of Freemasonry & do not mind sharing it with you. I do believe they hold a great deal of esoteric wisdom & their libraries of knowledge should not be disregarded. You do not need to be a Freemason to understand the value of the information they hold.

This article focuses on connections between Maryhill Stonehenge & the Richland Masonic Lodge. This lodge has been around since the inception of Hanford Nuclear Reservation and has many esoteric alignments (angles/azimuths) around the world. Yes, this little lodge in Richland Washington. It's pretty amazing how many things it aligns to. This article barely scrapes the surface. I'm only discussing things remarkable & also close. Rest assured though, many more exist that I've yet to share.

Maryhill Stonehenge is located on the Washington/Oregon border, not far from The Dalles where I filmed the article about the Rajneeshee movement in Oregon. In this article, I share in more detail the 33 degree alignment between Stonehenge & Vatican City.

I also discuss my personal alignments to Richland Mason Lodge...which by the way, I couldn't possibly have had anything to do with. I was a child in one case, and in the other, I was only a guest and someone else had purchased the home. Those people (in my family) are likely aware but are not divulging that information.

Why would someone want to be on the 33/213 degree alignments of Freemason Lodges?

I also show you how the Richland Mason Lodge is aligned due west at Astoria Column...another location which has alighments to my birth home...weird...but hey, that's what this channel is for...explaining the weird.

This is a very detailed presentation that will help guide others in making these types of measurements to replicate the results for themselves.

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