Justice Will Ring True Energy Vlog

7 months ago

Justice Will Ring True Energy Vlog Title is form the date July 14, 2024 thus 29 which adds to 11 The Justice card which should be fair balanced and True.

The Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure News showed us an amplitude of 7 at 2:00 PM UTC thus the High priestess took charge of the reins and moved swiftly toward humanities goals to be free. The quality is a power of seven the chariot card which is taking charge and moving swiftly toward your goal. The frequency average is 7.92 hertz thus #18 the Moon in Libra will transit to Scorpio this evening. Therefore, we can say: that Justice willo be fair and move swiftly like the chariot doubled under a Scorpio Moon.

Space Weather site showed some X class flares. The solar wind densituy is four protons per centimeter. The solar wind speed is 300 (KPS) The solar wind temperature is 50,000 Kelvin. The KP Index of geomagnetic activity is in the green zone with three level Ones.

I Shared a clip of James Gilliland on the congress people on a salary less the 200, 000 usd come up with multi millionaires which it seems insider trading which is illegal.

I Pulled Tarot card on several issues around the attempted assassination of Donald Trump and his shooter.

I pulled a Divine abundance Oracle deck it was the True Offering card True offering takes an unbearable and turn to love.
Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure News site:
Space Weather site:
James Gilland video: :https://rumble.com/v56r6cz-ayw-eceti-news-beind-the-curtain.html

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