The Elite Families Of DNC Were Having “Spirt Cooking” Dinners With Satanic With Marina Abramovic

5 months ago

When I dropped the Clinton campaign emails, that should have been the nail in the coffin for the DNC.

When I dropped the Clinton campaign emails, that should have been the nail in the coffin for the DNC.

Yet the Dems were able to avoid having to answer for the fact that the elite families of the DNC, were having “spirit cooking” dinners with satanic witch, Marina Abramović.

If Donald Trump hung out with a satanic cannibal witch lady, that smeared pig blood, feces, semen, and breast milk, in creepy messages all over the walls… the world would stop.

But when the Clintons/Podestas do it… it’s no big deal, and if you talk about it, you’re a Russian propagandist/QAnon conspiracy theorist.

They shut me down for a reason. I know
their deepest and darkest of secrets.

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@WIKILEAKSJULIANASSANGE ✅️ Yet the Dems were able to avoid having to answer for the fact that the elite families of the DNC, were having “spirit cooking” dinners with satanic witch, Marina Abramović.

If Donald Trump hung out with a satanic cannibal witch lady, that smeared pig blood, feces, semen, and breast milk, in creepy messages all over the walls… the world would stop.

But when the Clintons/Podestas do it… it’s no big deal, and if you talk about it, you’re a Russian propagandist/QAnon conspiracy theorist.

They shut me down for a reason. I know
their deepest and darkest of secrets.

Subscribe for more we are going to expose.


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