VOTE AND PRAY no violence but don't relax efforts....they are planning something

2 months ago

No violence! I"m not backing down on my opinion of our moronic leadership. There id no dem party any longer. It has been hijacked by antifa (mil arm of party); globalist marxist forces trying to change the USA inti the Soviet States of America. they tried to impeach him; bankrupt him; jail him and now kill him they are so desperate to hang onto power. I blame news media and Biden camp for declaring half the population (75 mil voted for Trump) to be "terrorists" and "anti American". This man didn't need to do this, he loves this country but due to your constant "DEMONISING" of him and his 75 mil followers you bear complicity in this assasination attempt. There will be more, we as his followers have been praying for his safety seeing the clear rhetoric and constant "Trump Derangement Syndrome" form CNN and MSDNC feeding into weak minds. History and their own published goals have made it clear. We have God and prayer and of course vote (vote often like they do) it has to be "to big to rig". Ado not relax our efforts. GOD AND PRAYER....I.LOVE U.

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