Northern Kentucky Project: Wildlife Encounters - Wild Turkey and Poults

6 months ago

Another day in the forest and another wildlife encounter. This time I had the pleasure of having 3 hen turkeys cross my path not 15 yards in front of me, and when they realized I was there they turned back into the woods but didn’t run away. It takes me a few seconds to get them in frame but they were about 20-35 yards into woods just hanging out waiting for me to pass and there were two clutches of poults (in the video I said chicks and keets, which would have been correct if they were younger, or Guinea fowl respectively) but that is incorrect). Turkey young are either chicks, if newly hatched size, or poults, much like chickens. Sorry if that causes any confusion.

Since this was an unexpected encounter and candid I could not take multiple shots at the birds to give a better quality video. Took me a minute to get my phone up and out, and the lighting really was not working in my favor. Also, I was trying to enjoy the sight of the birds so there is a point my camera is not on point. My apologies for that. Anyway, hopefully you enjoy regardless, and try to go out yourself to experience similar encounters.

For educational purposes:
Wild turkey info
Taxonomy ——
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Galliformes
Family: Phasianidae
Genus: Meleagris
Species: M. gallopavo

There are 6 sub-species in America - but I am not as familiar with the key features to identify them on sight.

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