Gestalt: Steam & Cinder | Release Date Trailer

6 months ago

Join Aletheia and an eclectic ensemble as they embark on a quest to unravel the mysteries of the Steam City of Canaan. Battle legions of Clockwork golems and pursue nightmares lurking in the long-abandoned depths. Counter the sinister plots of Canaan's corrupt rulers, the malevolent Comitium, fighting for humanity's future and exposing the sinister truths embedded in the city's steam-powered heart. Embody Aletheia, stepping into the role of a Soldner, a distinguished mercenary from Irkalla, navigating life one mission at a time. Wield sword and firearm, blending an array of melee attacks with lethal gunfire in displays of prowess that will stun your foes. Pursue a wild mutant darting through the squalid booths of the Irkallan Black Market, vault over the fiery pits of the eternal Fornax furnace, and repel swarms of frenzied Raiders roaming the endless Scrap Sea, worshiping their vile deity.

Gestalt: Steam & Cinder will be available for PC on Jul 16.

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