Beethoven Symphony No. 1 Op. 21 C Major

8 months ago

Ludwig Van Beethoven (1780-1827) was born in Bonn Germany. At the age of 22 he moved to Vienna, the music capital of Europe.

He was a prodigous composer and virtuoso pianist. He composed works in many of the genres of classical music, including symphonies, concertos, string quartets, piano sonatas and opera.

Beethoven composed nine symphonies. Symphony No. 1 was composed in 1800 and was consistent with the classical Viennese style of clear lyrical and melodic musical lines with an emphasis on balance.

Symphony No.1 reflects the classical style of Mozart and Haydn. A classical style that Beethoven would later revolutionize in subsequent symphonies and works.

The evolution of his compositional works clearly reflect the "individualistic" spirit of the time that remains with us today.

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