My Response to the Assassination Attempt Against President Trump
Just Human #293: Trump Survives Assassination Attempt + Lawfare, Drain The Swamp, and Biden Replacement Updates
Just Human #295: A Scrapbook Timeline of the Trump Assassination Attempt
Assassination Attempt Against Trump: Whistleblower disclosures from Senators Grassley, Hawley, and Johnson
Just Human #297: Examining the Crooks Family + More Disclosures from Senator Grassley

Just Human #293: Trump Survives Assassination Attempt + Lawfare, Drain The Swamp, and Biden Replacement Updates

Streamed on:

On July 13th, 2024, at a rally in Butler, PA, The Black Swan appeared.

And then its head was blown off.

Trump can't be stopped. Not by political opponents, parties, agencies, special interests, etc. not by unhinged cat ladies and their ridiculous lawsuits, not by prosecutors and their flawed indictments, nor by courts and their illegal orders... He cannot even be stopped by a bullet.

As we learn more about the details of the assassination attempt, please keep understanding at the forefront of your mind.

Remember this day, be peaceful, and vote this November.

FYI: The recording of this episode was interrupted by the assassination attempt. The second half of the video doesn’t quite fit with the first half because the former was recorded prior to the latter.

Anyway, I hope y’all appreciate this episode and will join me in praying for our President and for our Nation throughout this week.

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