Comments 176-178: The MSM, The Press & Fact Checkers Are A Propaganda Network

7 months ago

Comment Number 176 is on the AFRICAN DIASPORA NEWS channel. Comment Number 177 is also on the AFRICAN DIASPORA NEWS channel and Comment Number 178 is on the TONE TALKS channel. - Finally, more Black people are waking up to the actuality, fact and reality that the main stream media empire, the press and the so called fact checkers are propaganda networks just like in Nazi Germany (1929-45), Communist China, North Korea, Cuba, Socialist South and Central America, Socialist Europe, England, Australia and New Zealand. - If Black people worldwide were truly serious about "Pan Africanism", "Self-Determination", Self-Actualization", more "Self-Reliance" and "Self-Realization", they would buy the book, "The Approved Exposés on Otis C. Harrison's How To Save Black Americans From Themselves With New Age Capitalism, New Age Corporations and New Age Thinking". When are Black people going wake up to the "Deception and Corruption" of the Democrat Party?

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