The Politics of Xi'ism: Western and Chinese 21st Century Socialism

5 months ago

***EXCLUSIVE 4 RUMBLE*** /// In this video I compare the politics of Western and Chinese (Xi'ism) expressions of 21st Century Socialism. /// ***


Heinz Dieterich, Der Sozialismus des 21. Jahrhunderts >>>

Marta Harnecker, Cuba: Dictadura o Democracia (1979) >>>

Marta Harnecker, El Sistema Politico Yugoslavo (2007) >>>

Hugo Chavez Frias, El Libro Azul (2013) >>>

The Fruit That Did Not Fall, by Fidel Castro (2012) >>>

*** In the 1820's John Quincy Adams, US Secretary of State, opined that according to the "laws of political gravity" Cuba would fall into the lap of the United States like "a ripe fruit". Adams was an aggressive expansionist, the original proponent of what later developed into the ideology of "Manifest Destiny" in the 1840's. >>>


NICARAGUA, 1980's. THE CIA-CONTRA TERRORIST WAR AGAINST THE SANDINISTAS: In the early 1980's, U.S. President Ronald Reagan launched a covert war to destroy the fledgling Sandinista revolution in Nicaragua. It was a brutal Paramilitary war, CIA-CONTRA attacks, economic blockade, and more >>>

Episode 10, Part I. 1980s Nicaragua: Revolution:
Episode 10, Part II. 1980s Nicaragua: Contra War:



The Theory of Three Represents (2021) >>>

The Political Thought of Xi Jinping: A Conversation with Dr. Steve Tsang >

The Governance of China, by Xi Jinping >>>


Xinhua: The Voice of China >>>(
Xinhua English:

Neo-Marxist & Neo-Maoist Critics of Economic liberalization in China >>>

*** Chinese / Han Buddhism or Buddhism with Chinese characteristics:
"A Chinese form of Mahāyāna Buddhism which draws on the Chinese Buddhist canon as well as numerous Chinese traditions. Chinese Buddhism focuses on studying Mahāyāna sutras and Mahāyāna treatises and draws its main doctrines from these sources." (wikipedia)

*** "Neo-Confucianism could have been an attempt to create a more rationalist and secular form of Confucianism by rejecting mystical elements of Taoism and Buddhism that had influenced Confucianism during and after the Han dynasty." (wikipedia)


Book Review: Socialism Betrayed, By Roger Keeran and Thomas Kenney (2004) >>>
Reviewed By: Thomas Riggins for the MidWestern Marx Institute

Socialism Betrayed: Behind the Collapse of the Soviet Union by Roger Keeran and Thomas Kenny (2004) >>>


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