GATEWAYS in the CLOSET - Revelations of Jesus Christ

7 months ago

Praise the LORD Jesus Christ of Nazareth, thIS spiritual war is real, this video was removed twice and then on top of that COMMENTS were "mysteriously" put on "off" which means thousands of y'all were not able to leave a comment within the first handful of hours (until I found out and fixed it) this is a very important message, the ending is the most important part and the main reason I took the time to do this video, LORD willing we have more documentaries coming out soon, as well as DINNER TABLE messages and CRYING in the WILDERNESS, please understand that preaching about the MYSTERIES of CHRIST is always my greatest desire, however I also have to EXPOSE the kingdom of satan, and sadly some judge me falsely for standing against the Dragon and exposing his many different plans and agendas on the chessboard of deception, as if I'm trying to scare people which is very evil to say and accuse me of, the reality is I don't have a desire to please man, especially religious pharisees who always have something to say about everything just like they did to our LORD (no servant is greater than his Master) the LORD showed the prophet Ezekiel a HOLE in the WALL with all the evil and ABOMINATIONS being done and wanted him to see it with his own eyes (Ezekiel 8:7-18) yet you would not dare accuse Christ of trying to make the prophet afraid or behold sin to tempt him right? I know that satan is only threatened by those who truly walk with Christ, have the POWER of the Holy Spirit and are not afraid to BOLDLY expose the plans of Satan (Eph 5:11-13) to all who truly walk with the Son of God please pray for us as we pray for y'all, we love you all so much, to Christ be the glory!

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