Globalist Banker Coup: Financial Transaction Lockdown

7 months ago

"The sane have about had it with the insane. Essentially we are talking about psychopaths who are using various ruses to destroy independent income and get control of the food supply and put us into basically financial transaction lockdown ... It's a ruse. They're lying. It's a ruse to get complete control. And it's a coup d'état. Are we going to continue to pay our taxes? Are we going to continue financing the companies doing it? Are we going to continue treating the people who are doing this as socially acceptable?"

Financier and founder of The Solari Report (, Catherine Austin Fitts understands the goals of central bankers, who she worked with on Wall Street some decades ago, and they spoke with her of their ultimate goals, including crimes that they were committing such as plundering the public purse for private benefit. Since that time she has been working to encourage financial independence in order to reject the goal of centralised totalitarian control.

Whilst she understands the criminality behind the coup d'état, she also understands the solutions. There are ways to protect yourself and continue to retain your freedom from these mafia-style gangsters.


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