Dear America + World. The Truth. The whole truth & nothing but the Truth.

2 months ago

"As America goes, so goes the world."

For close to 250 years, since the original rebellion against the powers in opposition of God's good ways, America has been the beacon of the restoration of liberty from oppression of the truth.

America was founded by God through Jesus Christ by ordinary men who read, prayed, understood & believed the word of God.

We find ourselves once again, captured & ruled by these same forces God delivered those brave men & women from as established by and in witness of the Declaration of Independence in 1776.

In those days of 1776, the men & women were no different than we are today.

We are being given an opportunity to restore truth, liberty, justice & God as our moral compass & way to life. Freedom from those who hate love & its creator & his family, humanity, us, created in his image. Us, who are thirsty for the pure truth.

God chose America to be his flagship to the nations of the world & God is asking us now, do you still believe in him & are you willing lead the revolution of revelation of the truth onto the battlefield?

God honors the freewill he has given to all mankind, he will never force his will upon us.

He will, however, honor our will. So, should we go along with the will to remove him from our society, our schools aka means of teaching & learning, churches also means of teaching & learning, then, we are willfully removing the the Truth, Love, Godliness & all of what is right according to God even in those who govern.

Liar are honorless & deceitful & will tell you, show you, anything to take advantage of you, to rob, kill & destroy in any & every way. They'll promise you any & everything but ultimately they lead to destruction.

We have been extended an opportunity by God, to lead the charge of learning the ways of the liars, laying them aside, discovering the good loving honorable truthful ways pleasing to God the Truth & changing our ways, which as evidenced, are wicked & evil.

Now is the time & the Way is through the Truth of resurrecting the Life in Jesus Christ, you'll recall this as What Would Jesus Do.

This can only come about by humbling ourselves, learning & turning away from wickedness, praying & seeking God's face!

Then, he will hear that our will is to turn from the lies & liars & our pleading with him to restore himself as our God and the God of our nation, & as the Captain of our ship which is the head ship & give us swift & complete victory once again against that greatest of navel forces.

Let's us take a little time to think things over, to ponder the truth in expanded thinking by faith in the truth & by the spirit of God muster the courage to forge out for ourselves & the future, the children, a more just & righteous way.

God bless us all & God bless the future, the children, with life, liberty, justice & the persuit of happiness with Jesus Christ as our head.

As goes America, so goes the world
Author: Palmer Hartsough
Tune: [As goes America, so goes the world]
Published in 8 hymnals

Representative Text
1 As goes America, so goes the world,
Here where the fight for truth is raging,
As goes America, so goes the world,
Here where the hosts are now engaging.
Stand thou for righteousness, people so blest,
Win thou the victory, greatest and best;
Lead on so grand and free, Nation of destiny,
As goes America, so goes the world.
2 As goes America, so goes the world,
Here freedom makes her last endeavor,
As goes America, so goes the world,
Fails she, and all is lost forever. [Refrain]
3 As goes America, so goes the world,
Here lift we Christ, the light bestowing,
As goes America, so goes the world,
Here serve we God in rightful doing. [Refrain]
4 As goes America, so goes the world,
Foremost and highest is her station,
As goes America, so goes the world,
Leader and guide to every nation. [Refrain]

Source: Hymns for Today: for Sunday Schools, Young People's Societies, The Church, The Home, Community Welfare Associations, and Patriotic Meetings #277

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