Tibetan Epic's FORBIDDEN Passion

7 months ago

In this 'spoiler free' #bookrecommendations, I go over primary aspects of Tshe Ring Dbang Rgyal’s fascinating Tibetan epic 'The Tale of the Incomparable Prince'. The book blends themes of passionate romance, war, religious conflict, and Buddhist theology/philosophy in an epic structure reminiscent of works like the Ramayana and Bhagavata Purana. I highlight the surprising sensual content amidst religious monasticism, as well as political critiques on moral governance and explorations of Pure Land Buddhism's devotional path. An intriguing integration of the sensual, political, and theological within an epic tale.

*all music and content copyright BiblioCultist.com*

#booktube #books #tibetanepic #buddhism #purelandbuddhism #ancientepics #religion #romance #war #monasticism

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