EPIC FAIL: Gorka's Tactical and Strategic Analysis of shooting

7 months ago

Sebastian Gorka DrG - My Takeaways....12 hours after the shooting of President Donald Trump. He posted this Tactical and Strategic analysis:

- 2 plain-clothes USSS agents covered President Trump’s body within 3 seconds. GOOD

- the uniformed Counter Assault Team members with ARs were slow to respond. BAD

- Additional plain-clothes agents rushed to first two, the they all failed to keep President Trump hunched down and cover line of site to his head with their bodies as they moved his to his armored vehicle. FAIL

- Video of USSS Counter Sniper on roof looks like he hesitated to engage shooter. FAIL

- Shooter apparently accessed empty roof within 200 yards of the stage completely unimpeded. CATASTROPHIC

- Female SS Guard too small to be a bullet catcher. One couldn't holster her weapon after 5 attempts?

More to follow.

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