7.13.2024 - Groovy Jimmy - The Saturday night Groove (The Real Saturday Night Live)

5 months ago

Jimmy gives his thoughts on Donald Trump being shot, saying it was a power grab "king me" move by Trump. Jimmy has apparently reconciled with 'his woman' Queen Ma'at behind the scenes, but calls Deacon a pedophile for his behavior on RBR's stream today.

Jimmy has been awake for 24 hours because of a coffee he drank the night before and his paranoia causes him to carry a gun to the door when he hears a doordasher knock. They bring a 4 loko type of drink.

Tyler BSR, or someone who sounds extremely similar to him, joins the panel. The panelists, chat, and Jimmy try to make him confess that its' him, but Tyler says it isnt

Dev Jamie Rose Bang and SoCal Trucker chop it up while Jimmy falls asleep.

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