Aug. 27, 1964 | RFK Convention Speech [clip 1]

7 months ago

Aug. 27, 1964 - Democrats paid tribute to the Kennedy name tonight in the emotional high point of their national convention in Atlantic City, N.J.
Convention delegates and guests erupted in a thunderous, 14-minute ovation for Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy when he was introduced to lead the tribute to his assassinated brother, President John F. Kennedy.
The convention then fell into reverent silence as a movie on President Kennedy’s White House career was shown on a huge screen at the back of the auditorium.
The Attorney General’s eyes were moist as the cheers rolled across Convention Hall. His expression was one of sadness as he stood waiting for the tremendous ovation to subside.
He tried to start his speech several times but could not. Each time Kennedy said, “Mr. Chairman,” the cheering grew louder, and he was drowned out.
When the demonstration began, it was restrained, but finally the convention could no longer contain itself. The outpouring of cheers rose and continued in a way seldom, if ever, heard at a political convention.
There were no horns or whistles. There was no marching. With nearly the entire hall standing, there was only continued clapping, cheering, and occasional “We want Bobby” chants.
In the Presidential box high in the hall, Mrs. Ethel Kennedy, close to tears, sat with the First Lady and the wife of the Democratic Vice Presidential nominee, Mrs. Muriel Humphrey.
Later, during the movie about the late President, both women and men wept.

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