State Overreach - Forced Vaccinations

3 months ago

State Overreach - Forced Vaccinations

July 13, 2024


Dr. John Campbell

"The VACCINE was not brought in for COVID. COVID was brought in for the VACCINE. Once you realize that, everything else makes sense." ~Dr. Reiner Fuellmich

Devoted parent says landmark case to protect disabled Tom was a `Kafkaesque nightmare' that nearly bankrupted her.

The mother of a disabled son with a rare heart condition has won a landmark case to prevent the state from injecting him with the Covid-19 VACCINE she feared could kill him...

The Telegraph has the story.

After a three-year court battle, the mother, who can only be named as Sarah, said she had endured a "Kafkaesque nightmare" to protect her son, Tom, who has severe learning difficulties as well as a range of life-threatening conditions.

Mr. Justice Hayden, sitting in the Court of Protection, has now ruled it is "no longer in Tom's best interests to receive the jab" because the virus "landscape" had changed so much since the peak of the pandemic.

He made the ruling after an American Professor of Paediatrics said Tom was more likely to suffer heart complications – such as myocarditis and pericarditis – if given the mRNA vaccine.

But Sarah says the battle has eroded her trust in public organisations such as social services, doctors and the courts, and accused the Government of introducing a policy that ignores individual circumstances.

Tom's conditions include a chromosome abnormality which causes severe learning difficulties, meaning he has the mental age of an 18-month-old child despite being 24.

His mother feared the messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccine, which tells cells how to trigger an immune response to Covid, could cause an adverse reaction in his heart. So, she resisted doctors and social workers' demands that he be injected for the "greater good of society".

Because Tom was over 18 when the Government ruled that the most vulnerable should be injected during the pandemic, the Court of Protection assigned him a lawyer to act in his "best interests". That lawyer, along with the local integrated care board, backed calls for him to be jabbed.

Sarah raised £60,000 through crowdfunding and spent her £25,000 life savings to fight the case.

She claims she was threatened with arrest, jail, seizure of her assets and the possibility of her son being removed from their home to be "forcibly jabbed".

Note the ruling only came because of the changed "virus landscape" i.e., the judge accepted Covid is 'no longer' a threat. It's hard to see how it would prevent mandatory vaccination, even for someone peculiarly vulnerable to side-effects as Tom, during the next confected "emergency."

Covid Vaccine Injury Global Study:

Covid vaccine injury medical expense fund:






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