KingCobraJFS Jul 14, 2024 "beer review"

7 months ago

On this day, King Cobra reviews Samuel Smith's Organic Chocolate Stout from Yorkshire, England, which he purchased in a large bottle from a local liquor store. He notes that the beer, which is only available in individual large bottles rather than a six-pack, would be something he'd buy in bulk if smaller bottles were available. The beer features a strong chocolate flavor, reminiscent of Tootsie Rolls and natural cocoa, and it earns the "Cobra Seal of approval." King Cobra humorously imagines this as the type of beer Willy Wonka might drink after a stressful day at work. Additionally, he intersperses his beer review with quirky jokes about Wyoming locals' daring antics, adding a humorous, regional flair to his video.
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