#459 - 20160430 - Toyota motor swap 01

7 months ago

Post mortem: It was the new (not rebuilt) piece of shit water pump I installed at the same time I did the oil pump. See my Twitter page. https://twitter.com/ZeroFossilFuel The bearing literally exploded, shattering the pump casing and sprocket, then tore up the timing belt. I found 7 ball bearings with the other shattered fragments floating around at the bottom of the lower timing belt cover. Thought I was being smart by replacing the water pump. What a mistake that was! And both auto parts stores I deal with magically lost all record of my purchase so I could not claim the limited lifetime warranty for a free exchange.

Sooooooooooooo, bought a new water pump, slapped the rest back together enough to crank the motor, ran a compression test and find that there is no valve damage! Today, Sunday, I will now go buy the new timing belt and it will be back on the road today with the original motor.

My only concern now is if Petrillo's in New Haven will take back the motor I had to drop a G-note on in cash. Still being unemployed, I really can't afford that kind of expense right now. :-/

"Kick Shock" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

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