I AM PRIMARY SOURCE Treastise #1 7-21-24

7 months ago

Decreeing is a significant step up from common prayer. The next two posts are about this form of powerful, holy prayers. The WHY & HOW.

The “door” is always unlocked from God’s side. Knock and it shall be opened. Examples of communication with God, Our Divine Parent.

A decree is a conscious ACT of CREATION, performed in spiritual collaboration with the Creator God, the AM, and the Hosts of Light.

Your LIFE and intention are a powerful combination. And can be trained to work in direct collaboration with God, our Creator to work miracles together.

Become a full partner in the raising of all mankind, the purification of the Earth – and the complete thwarting of the sinister force.

The end of the Age is approaching rapidly. Be part of the Permanent Victory of the Creator’s Divine Love


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