Proof: A Major Scientific Paper Falsely Retracted | Rebekah Barnett

7 months ago

All of you are aware by now of the scientific malfeasance that has been going on at least since the start of the Covid plandemic. Scientific papers that come to conclusions that are counter to the narrative which are published, and then subsequently retracted, often within days or at most weeks. Papers that prove damage from mRNA vaccines have been especially susceptible.

Recently Dr. Peter McCullough put me in touch with an investigative journalist from Australia, Rebekah Barnett. Working with two other people, a second investigative journalist and a Substack scientific author Rebekah spent two years uncovering the details of an especially egregious case.

An article published in 2021 in a major scientific journal that proved a link between spike proteins and cancer. After multiple freedom of information requests, Rebekah proved, in a recent substack article, the highly politically motivated retraction of the paper.

And Rebekah absolutely names names.

This, folks, is what investigative journalism should be. Dedication to the truth that simply will not stop until the truth is uncovered.


Rebekah’s Substack Article:


Dr. Been’s Video:

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