Surprisingly Fast Turtle Chases Little Dog

6 years ago

Dogs always surprise us, or maybe just me, with what animals they are willing to be friends with. Admittedly that might be because one of my dogs wants to hunt everything that moves and my another one is deathly afraid of everything that moves. …I have rather strange dogs, this I know. However, we have so many videos of dogs being best friends with plenty of species that are not other dog like animals.

Our latest edition of that adorable genre of America’s Funniest Home Videos features a small black and tan dog that looks like either a Chihuahua/Pinscher Mix or perhaps a miniature Doberman Pinscher. He is playing with a turtle that we believe to be an Eastern Box Turtle. We could be wrong, so if you know what kind of turtle is in this video, let us know. We are always interested in learning. Interestingly, box turtles are thought to be very slow crawlers. In fact, they are supposed to be slow at just about everything. But the turtle in this video is a pretty quick little guy.

The dog does his normal dog play tactics including bowing, nipping at the turtle’s shell and trying to get the turtle to give chase. And the turtle actually does chase the dog around the patio a few times. To our eyes, the turtle actually looks like he is playing with his dog friend. We found the video to be endearing and a nice affirmation that friendship can be had across species. It’s worth the time if you need a cute pick me up for your day. Turtles and dogs! What will be next, dogs and rhinos?

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