French Bulldog Puppies Try Howling

6 years ago

We might be going out on a pretty big limb here, but puppies are pretty darn cute. It’s understandable how that might upset a lot of people out there on the Internet, but gosh darn it, we here at AFV are standing by our statement. For some, those beady, fawning little eyes, their tiny noses and even their soft squeaky barks are just repulsive, but our show did not become the success it is by going with the grain. We think puppies are cute, and if you don’t, then you’re entitled to feel that way.

Here we come upon the scene with French Bulldog puppies. Now we know these little guys might rub some people the wrong way, but we here at AFV do believe they are cute, and don’t @ us. Their owner begins to howl and, behaving in a way completely uncharacteristic to every breed of dog or canine to ever grace the face of this planet in the entirety of its history, these puppies began to howl as well.

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