7 months ago

Amilcar Cabral once stated, ‘You measure a people’s potential for liberation based on how different their culture is from their oppressors.’

In this video clip from an unknown time, Pan-Africanist revolutionary Kwame Ture talks about the importance of understanding African culture, which European hegemony seeks to repress.

He also highlights that we are at war. While some would say war is a conflict between two equal sides, let’s momentarily play out this train of thought. Many Africans go about, day to day, without ever thinking about how European civilisation placed African people in a defensive position 500 years ago, when they started enslaving and killing us. Now, the most noble thing we can do is win our liberation, once and for all.

Do you think every African must be engaged in permanent collective action to bring us closer to our freedom? Let us know in the comments.

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