13 07 2024 - Melbourne Freedom & Information Rally

2 months ago

Display image, Fallen bikes, like a fallen society.
Revelations 18:2-5
“Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and has become a dwelling place of demons, a prison for every foul spirit, and a cage for every unclean and hated bird!
For all the nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth have become rich through the abundance of her luxury.”
And I heard another voice from heaven saying, “Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues.
For her sins have reached to heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities.

Good Morning / Afternoon / Evening - Hope You Are Having A Wonderful Day / Night Today - It Is A Beautiful Day - May This Day Be A Blessing For You - May This Day Be Filled With Joy And Happiness - If It Is In Your Power To Do Good For Others - Then Why Not Do It - How Precious Are The Feet Of Those Who Bring You Good News - Australia I Grew Up In And Lived In For The First 30 Years Of Life Is Nothing Like The Australia I Live In The Past 3 Years - Its Totally Changed And Socially Unrecognisable Different - I Know My Thoughts Towards You Are To Do Good And To Prosper You And To Have An Abundant Future Full Of Joy And Happiness - How Precious Are The Feet Of Those Who Bring Good News - We Have Come That You May Have Life To The Fullest -

Why Chemically And Surgically Change Someone In Order For Them To Be What They Already Identify As Prior ? - Brave New World - Aldous Huxley - V For Vendetta - 1984 - George Orwell - They Live - John Carpenter - Big Brother - Global Corporation Government - Edward Gough Whitlam Dethrone The Queen As Head Of Australia ? - Why Do Each Day Contrails Last For Many Hours In The Country Agriculture Rural Areas ? - Bob Hawk 1986 Sold Australia - Australia Act 1986 Registered The AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT As A Business In The New York Securities And Exchange Commission In New York USA - AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT And THE COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA Are Registered Corporations / Businesses With Share Holder And CIK Number - No Longer A Government But A Company Business Corporation - Strawman - MEDICARE Is Private Business With An ABN - VIC ROADS Is A Private Business With An ABN - VIC POL ( VICtorian POLice ) Is A Private Business With An ABN - Trust Government - Obey - No Independent Thought - Consume - Bread And Circus - Sports And Entertainment - Bread And Circus - Processed Food And Television - Bread And Circus - Keep Them Fat And Unhealthy And Dependent On Government And They Will Never Rise Up And Rebel - Bread And Circus - Fine Foods And Theater - Bread And Circus - Yuri Bezmenov & The Four Stages of Ideological Subversion - Bread And Circus -

These People Are Talking About The Dangers Of Digital ID & Programmable Currency - CBDC ( Central Bank Digital Currency - Yes Australia Has A Central Bank And It Is Not The Reserve Bank Of Australia ) & 15 Minute Smart Citys - Vaccine Dependent Economy - Social Credit Score - Big Brother, Surveillance State - Vax Dependency - Selected Not Elected - Universal 1 Size Fits All Health System - Doctor Once Told Me That In The Medical Field They Do Not Treat The Cause Of Your Problems But Only The Symptoms - What Is A Woman - Men In Womens Sports And Change Rooms - Chemical And surgical Mutilation And Abuse Of Children - No Independent Thought - Obey - Consume, Reproduce - Big Brother - Vax Injuries - 2,000 Mules - SADS - Sudden Adult Death Syndrome - 200 Million Children Traffic Each Year Into Unspeakable Terrors - Baal Worship - Global Devotion To Molek - Do You Remember From School That Burning Coal Produces Co2 & That For Trees And Plant Life We All Depend On For Our Food Required Co2 & Nitrogen To Grow And Be A Healthy Plant And Plants And Trees Need Co2 In Order To Produce Oxygen We All Need To Breath - Also When I Was In School We Were All Being Taught That By 2020 Half The Current World Land Mass Area Would Be Under Sea Water And We Are Entering Into A New Ice Age - That Never Happened - In The 1970'S We Reached Peak Oil And Since The 1970'S And Onwards We As A Human Race Have Been Consuming More Oil Than Any Time Ever In History - Have You Hear About The Who Global Treaty To Gain Total Control Over The Lives Of Every Single Man Woman And Child In The Entire World To Be In Submission To The Who Where The Who Will Over Ride Every Nations Law And Constitution - Climate Change Is Real As It Changes Four Times A Year And Twice Every Day -

Why A Population Of Under 25 Million Gained A Few Million Foreign Imports Of People From Countries Who Do Not Share The Australian Way Of Life And Want To Impose Over Australia The Way Life Is In Their War Torn / Tyrannical Country They Came From - Sexulisation And Mutilation Of Children - Around 200 Million Children Are Caught Up In Child Trafficking Around The World - Baby Making Factories And Mass Organ Harvesting From Ukraine - TGA Admitting People Died Due To C19 Vaccines - Sexual Abuse Of Children And Child Abuse - In The Past 4 Years Many Millions Of People In The Western World Are Dying In Record Numbers Of SADS ( Sudden Adult Death Syndrome ) - The Dangers Of The - WHO - UN - WEF - Big Pharma - G7 - G20 - Five Eyes - Melbourne C40 - IMF - WTO - Etc Etc - How Australia Went From Being A Government Run Country To A Corporation Run Company Masquerading As A Government - Immigration & Strength In Diversity - Ask Places Like Noble Park Improve And Strengthen Noble Park Under Mass Migration Or Did Crime Go Through The Roof - Want To Know More ? Take A Pamphlet Or 2 From One Of Those Who Are Handing Out Pamphlets Around Here -

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