Henderson County Republican Men’s Club to host Republican School Board Candidates

7 months ago

The Henderson County Republican Men’s Club will host the Republican School Board Candidates on Saturday July 13th at the American Legion in Hendersonville at 9 AM.
There are four openings on the Henderson County School Board on the November 5th Ballot. All four Republican Candidates will appear on the ballot in November.
Amy Lynn Holt, who served previously on the School Board is running, Robert Bridges, currently on the Board is seeking re-election, Beth Campbell, an engaged parent is seeking a seat and Kathy Regis, a former Assistant Superintendent is running.
Members are asked to get involved with the School Board Campaigns, by volunteering to work on their campaigns, hosting events, putting out yard signs, making phone calls, fulfilling campaign needs.
This will be a chance for members to put faces with names of our Local Candidates.

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