Dr. David Martin: In 1990 Pfizer filed its first patent on a vaccine for coronavirus

3 months ago

"In 1990 Pfizer filed its first patent on a vaccine for coronavirus...in 1999 going into 2000 Ralph Baric figured out how to modify a component of the protein associated with coronavirus and he actually made it into something that would target heart tissue...

What happened in 1999 is Ralph Baric's coronavirus modification and manipulation program took what used to be a respiratory and a gastrointestinal bug and turned it into something that would actually create cardiomyopathy in rabbits.

And in 2002 that gave rise to the patent that was filed called Infectious Replication Defective Clone of Coronavirus...that means we're going to take an attribute associated with our model of the virus and we're gonna take that attribute and we're going to weaponize it and we're gonna weaponize it in a very precise way. We're gonna amplify the ability for it to interact with a cell, to target a cell and to actually harm the organism. But replication defective means we actually don't want it to act like a virus where it goes into the cell, multiplies and then goes out. What we want to do is we want to use the technology associated with the protein to achieve an outcome.

And in 1999 going into 2002 the world knew that the thing that had been modified was actually modified so that it would inflame the cardiovascular system...

When Pfizer and Moderna...all said: "Oh my gosh we're surprised by the heart disease, we're surprised by the sudden cardiac death, we're surprised by the inflammation of the cell linings of the vascular system, we're surprised by the clot formations, but not a single one of those statements was true. No one was surprised.

This was published data between 1999 and 2002. So we need to be extremely clear on this. This nonsense that somehow Pfizer was the victim of an unintended consequence is absolute BS. They knew it was going to hit the human heart, they knew it was going to hit the vascular system, they knew there were going to be clots and all of this was published in 2000."

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