Inter-lock (Israelite's Listen To End)

7 months ago

If one would start to really ask questions regarding the kingdom of GOD. The gospel clearly shows the righteous and just ways of the Most High GOD. Certainly worthy of all praises and glory to Ahayah.

As the message begins to grow during these days. The genuine will surface towards their proper station.

"The wealth of the wicked is stored up for the righteous".

Wealth transfer means Israelite's win tremendously at the end once Abba grants our possession which includes the lands at one time we were scattered to and in. Never forget that helel satan (Gog) has his sights on the elimination of the woman 'Israel'. Revelation clearly presents such a thirst to destroy Israel and even at the very end he seeks our destruction. Why? One reason is that we inherit what once was his. For certain displayed as the foundational stones.


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We benefit as well according to righteous compensation. Question do you want to be here to enjoy? Or, the other not so beneficial option.

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