Trump Has Fallen? This has all gone down before. 1960 - 1970.

7 months ago

Who are the Players?
Obama number 1. His henchmen, Biden, Trump, Clintons, Bush. Just to name a few.

Washington DC the seat of the 666 beast system. Revelation chapter 13.

George Clooney holds a Fundraiser for Biden.
15th June 2024. Obama leads Biden off the stage.

+ 7 Months 4 Days (Obama born 7 Months and 4 Days into the year) August.4th. 1961.

= 20th January Inauguration Day 2025. President who?

Now George Clooney in July withdraws his support for Biden officially.

The first debate was Biden vs Trump. Thursday June 27th 2024.

+ 4 Months 8 Days (48)

= Election Day 5th November 2024.

1st Debate Thursday June 27th 2024. Biden vs Trump.

+ 2 Months 16 Days (216) Pi Faith in Chaos.

= 10th September 2024 Scheduled 2nd debate (if it even goes down)

Republican National Convention 15th July 2024 - 18th July 2024.

+ 2 Days 16 Weeks (216) Date to Date inc end date.

= 5th November 2024. Election Day.

Democratic National Convention 19th August - 22nd August 2024

+ 2 Months 16 Days (216) Movie Pi Faith In Chaos. 6x6x6 = Revelation 13:18.
Count days in between. 216.

= 5th November 2024 USA Election Day.

Biden talks about a 2008 Obama Assassination 23rd August 2019.
USA Release of Angel Has Fallen. Predictive Programming. 23.8.2019.

+ 48 Months
+ 61 Days
+ 216 Days
+ 6 Weeks 6 Days (Revelation the 66th Book of the King James Bible)

= Saturday 13th July 2024 Trump rally allegedly shot.
Trump one of the talking 7 heads of the beast man Obama the 666 Man?
Wounded but not killed. All wondered after the Beast (Washington DC) Obama ultimately. All deceived in this narrative worshipped the Dragon (Lucifer, The Devil, Satan) Who were fooled by this democracy under attack False narrative.

Trump attempted assassination June 18th 2016 (STAGED)

+ 216 Days (6x6x6)

= Inauguration Day 2017 Donald Trump. Movie Split released USA. Programming for Barack Hussein Obama.

Saturday 13th July 2024.
Trump receives a deadly head wound unto death but lives. Revelation chapter 13. King James Bible.

+ 2 Days 16 Weeks (216) 6x6x6 = Rev 13:18. King James Bible.
Count days in between. Date to Date Calculator.

= Election Day 5th November 2024.

20th January 2021. Biden Inauguration Day Joe Biden.
Trump Moves out of the Whitehouse.

Exited from the Whitehouse 666 Days

= 15th November 2022. Trump makes official announcement of his run for the 2024 Presidency. He works for THE 666 MAN Barack Hussein Obama born on August 4th = 8.4.

+ 80 Weeks 4 Days (84)

= 30th May 2024. Trump declared a convicted Felon in New York City.


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