The Society of Jesus Jesuits links to Hitlers Pope and Bidens Pope

7 months ago

As elaborated in a vast swathe of polemical sermons, tracts, plays, pamphlets and prints, the Jesuit was a puppet of the Counter Reformation papacy and a tool of the king of Spain, a crafty dissembler constantly dreaming up treasonous schemes to subvert states and assassinate divinely anointed princes and monarchs. ‘Fatall and ominous to all well governed Common wealths’, he was also a loyal servant of Lucifer, a chief instrument in his eternal struggle ‘to uphold his tottering Antichristian kingdome’ and to enlarge ‘his infernall dominion’ of Hell.1 Endowed with almost superhuman powers to seduce the unwary, he was ‘the Spawn of the Old Serpent’, under whose ‘gilded and spangled Skin, there lies a poisonous Sting’.2 Synonymous with hypocrisy and equivocation by the early seventeenth century, the secretive and underhand activities of these ‘Romish locusts’ and ‘pernicious caterpillars’ became a focus for renewed hostility whenever events seriously jeopardized the religious and political stability of Stuart England

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