Are your teeth secretly posing health risks?

7 months ago

Uncover the Hidden Dangers of Root Canals and Mercury Fillings!

This information is for anyone with root canals, especially those battling unexplained health issues like chronic fatigue, relentless infections, or other persistent ailments.

- Regular dental check-ups are essential for catching potential infections.
- If you suspect an infection, seek immediate professional help.

🌱 Alternative Options for root canals:
- Dental implants as an alternative to root canals.
- Preventative oral health care to avoid such treatments in the first place.

💲 Cost and Accessibility:
- Dental implants may exceed root canal costs, but their value offsets potential root canal complications.

🌿 Natural Remedies for Healthy Teeth:
- Oil pulling
- Saltwater rinse
- vitamin D (you should be taking 2x vit D then recommended)

Educational Purposes Only..!

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