Episode 65B, Genesis 32

7 months ago

In this episode Jacob is returning to his homeland, as he was being harassed in his wife's father's land. He was so blessed and prosperous, so they all kept harassing him.
Now he is returning home and his brother Esau is on the way to meet his tribe, but Esau is bring 300 men with him. This is concerning. So, Jacob split his tribe in half, he sent 3 seperate herds ahead of him as presents for Esau.
Jacob wonders if he will be killed, but continues on..
I would suggest you pray the Lord's Prayer daily, Also like in Revelations 4:8 "Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come!" If these four beast keep saying that to God, i think He may like to hear that. I would suggest you pray that too!
God Bless You! have a great week.

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