NYT: Donald Trump was rushed off the stage at his rally in Pennsylvania

7 months ago

NYT: Donald Trump was rushed off the stage at his rally in Pennsylvania after pops that sounded like gun shots were heard. He went to the ground and was immediately surrounded by agents, who then escorted him to a motorcade. The former president pumped his fist at the crowd as he was hustled off the stage. 紐約時報:唐納德·川普在賓夕法尼亞州的集會上聽到類似槍聲的爆炸聲後被沖下舞台。他倒在地上,立即被特工包圍,然後護送他到車隊。這位前總統被推下台時向人群揮舞拳頭 Sat, 7-13-24

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