The Truth Warrior | EP:76 | A storm is coming; everyone needs to be prepared

4 months ago

There is a Storm coming and everyone needs to be prepared and ready.

I provide an update on my activities in Geneva and handing in signed declarations to the WHO and United Nations.

Having met many Freedom Fighters from countries across the planet its becoming clear that the Freedom Movement is gaining in strength and Freedom Train International is supporting multiple countries and Patriots around the World while uniting the people together with us.

The threats we are facing are multi faceted and potentially very serious.

There is talk of an H5N1 global pandemic and the threat of a war between the West and Russia and her allies is a growing possibility.

We may be witnessing the stage being set for a serious Civil war erupting in the United States.

We could be seeing shortages of medicine, food and other essentials becoming a reality along with business losses and large scale unemployment.

The time to prepare is now.

Freedom Train International will be announcing a major development shortly along with a massive upgrade on our platform and will be providing detailed help guides, training and the ability to interact with like minded people all around the world.

Questions and answer sessions, live streaming interviews and a plethora of training material will all be made available to help you all to get ready and know where to start.

Your families and communities need to understand that we are entering a dangerous and turbulent period of time but I want everyone to be prepared and not scared.

You can help by joining as a subscriber and taking a stand for your family, community and country together with many thousands of like minded people around the World.

You can help me personally and get personal content when you become my patron here

You can buy me a coffee here which keeps me at the front lines working on your behalf to bring truth to the people of the World.

You support is crucial to my work and together we can beat them.

Join and start to grow with us as we prepare to get ready together.

You are not alone.

Join us.

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