Sandy Pensler - Michigan Candidate for US Senate 2024

7 months ago

Who is your Candidate?

Meet Sandy Pensler, a Michigan candidate running for US Senate who promises to bring real change to Michigan and the nation! With a diverse background in manufacturing, entrepreneurship, and economics, Sandy stands against the inaction of career politicians. He’s ready to tackle the border crisis, criticize Biden’s border policy, and address inflation caused by reckless spending. Pensler’s campaign is focused on securing our borders, achieving energy independence, and restoring the rule of law. Join Sandy Pensler in fighting for a better future—one that prioritizes Michigan and America's needs over personal gain. Watch now to learn more about his vision and how you can support this crucial campaign.

#SandyPensler #SenateCandidate #SaveAmerica #BorderCrisis #EnergyIndependence #MichiganPolitics #Midterms2022 #InflationCrisis #elissaslotkin #hillharper #justinamash #NasserBeydoun #mikerogers #SherryO'Donnell


00:00:00 Untitled Chapter
00:00:02 Introduction
00:00:05 America is Burning
00:00:51 Border and Crime Issues
00:01:21 Economic Struggles
00:01:32 International Conflicts
00:01:49 Call to Action
00:02:24 Save America
00:02:34 Closing
00:02:43 Who is your Candidate?

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