RFK Jr on the Autism Epidemic, Juvenile Diabetes, Cascade of Chronic Disease

7 months ago

RFK Jr: The NIH refuses to study the chronic disease epidemic because they know who’s behind it.

“They don’t want to lift that rock, because they know underneath it’s gonna be Smithfield, it’s gonna be Monsanto, it’s gonna be Cargill, and the pharmaceutical companies.”

“I have never met anybody my age, ever in my whole life, with full-blown autism.

But in my kids’ generation, 1 in every 34 kids looks like that. 1 in every 22 boys. Something happened.

And it’s not only autism, it’s all these auto-immune diseases popped up around then.

Another thing I mention a lot if juvenile diabetes. When I was a kid, a typical pediatrician would see one case of juvenile diabetes in his entire lifetime.

Today, 1 out of every 3 kids who walks through his office door is pre-diabetic or diabetic. So, what happened?

It’s neurological diseases, it’s ADD, ADHD, speech delay, language delay, tics, Tourette’s Syndrome, narcolepsy, ASD, autism. I’d never heard of any of these when I was a kid.

And then auto-immune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile diabetes, lupus, Chron’s disease, all these exotic diseases where your immune system starts to attack your own body.

And then the allergic diseases, peanut allergies, food allergies, eczema, I’d never heard of eczema.

Nobody had it in my high school, nobody had it in my grade school, nobody knew about it... I never knew anybody with tics, and now they’re everywhere.

We also have 1,000 ingredients in our processed foods that are illegal in other countries.

And by the way, all of these injuries are listed as side effects on manufacturer’s inserts of the vaccines that we give to our children.

When I was a kid, I got 3 vaccines, and I was compliant. My kids got 72, and that began in 1989.

So, that has to be one of the culprits. But I never say it’s all the vaccines. Our kids today are swimming around in a toxic soup.

Phil Landrigan looked at, what could it possibly be? There’s not that many things that became ubiquitous around 1989.

One of them is glyphosate from the Round-Up, which is now in all of our food.

Another is neonicotinoids.

Aspertame, which is in all of our drinks.

Fluoride, which is in our water.

PFOAs and PFASs, which is a flame retardant that’s in all of the furniture now, and it was put in our childrens’ pajamas.

High-fructose corn syrup clearly is related to the obesity and diabetes epidemics.

Atrazine, which is another pesticide.

Cell phone radiation, and on the list is also ultrasound.

Do I think ultrasound is doing anything? I don’t think so, but I don’t know.

It’s easy to study. You could do that overnight with data that we already have, you don’t even need to do new studies.”

From Robert Breedlove

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