#441 - 20160129 - It's Krazy Keshe's Kooky Kontraption!

7 months ago

Title says it all. As ridiculous as this video may seem, keep in mind that all claims mentioned herein are ACTUAL CLAIMS of Keshe Foundation for this and other devices! BID ON IT NOW AT EBAY!!! http://www.ebay.com/itm/-/172080806189 Bidding starts at $300. This is a genuine auction for this entire pile of krap not including the 750 DVD library of Keshe's sermons over the years. I'm keeping those for myself. ;-)
P.S. I have received no monetary compensation from anyone whose sole intent it is to discredit Keshe. My intent is only to expose fraud and wake people up. I do that at my own expense because I CARE! People with half a clue and those that are FINALLY WAKING UP are supporting my channel through donations.

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