Myron corrects his girlfriend [[ immediately]] when she disrespected Sneako!

7 months ago

Note for men who are in a NEW relationship and or bring females into MENs spaces.

Never let your woman disrespect your male friends (especially in your house or space) always correct her behavior with sternness and assertively. If allow her to do it to your friends, then she'll eventually do it to you and lose respect for you as man.

This is also how females will plant grassroots to take over your male space, grow a habit of disrespecting men, and dictate the relationship before eventfully it fails.

During heated discussion, Myron girlfriend snap at the FnF guest Sneako openly disrespecting his friend in public. However, Myron did the right thing to immediately correct his girlfriend about NEVER disrespect his friend.

Men should always show masculine frame to be stern when their woman get out of line especially to other men in the group whether in social settings or out in public.

Myron shows how men should always set the tone, not losing control in anger but be stern in what he wanted, check her behavior, and not let his woman come in dictate the setting or disrespect him, his friends or openly embarrass him in his domicile.

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