#430 - 20160101 - Kolossal Keshe Katastrophe Finale, almost

2 months ago

Okay! Okay! I hear you! There have been enough comments about what is thought to be inadequate nano coating of the copper wires interconnecting the Magrav Energy Beads that I will repeat the experiment (if for no other reason than to see what on Earth they might criticize next), this time with the revered shiny black coating (which by the way happens to be non-conductive). I will be starting the nano coating process tonight, 1/4/2015, aligning with a volt meter and starting a new layer approximately every 12 hours so that by the time I reassemble it will have 8-10 layers.

The only way any normal appliance will operate through the Magrav Beads is if this coating is compromised in order for the copper wires to meet. If "properly connected" the insulating "nano material" will prevent any current flow. I will do my absolute best to connect them "properly" to demonstrate this misconception. When it behaves as I predict and fails to provide any power at all to an electrical device attached to it, that will be the end of the experiment.


I will broadcast and record these sessions live twice a day at my Zero Labs Live channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCR0OKfIi0Bb1g8W2FcjdHbg
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P.S. It would be so simple to settle this argument once and for all in but an INSTANT if Keshe or any one of his apostles, acolytes or flock of sheep would send me a working unit to test and publish the results. Not so simple, though, if these devices exist only in the minds of the bullshit artists who portray them as real. The absence of any working model is evidence enough all by itself that this is pure bullshit. Mr Keshe, the time for talk has come to an end. Put up or shut up.

Happy New Year!

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