Jake Tapper Reads Incoherent Biden Quote Word-For-Word: That Sound Bite Is Supposed To Be Reassuring

6 months ago

Posted • July 13, 2024: President Biden's handlers who load the words into the teleprompter that he attempts to read during campaign appearances seem to have adopted a new strategy: Taking swipes at many of the people who carried Joe's water for years who are now saying he should step aside now that the debate has erased any remaining pretense that "he's fine and sharp as a tack." Hollywood libs like George Clooney, Rob Reiner and others, along with hosts and guests on traditionally lefty media outlets such as CNN and MSNBC, are saying it's time for Biden to step down. Videos like this are angering Team Biden: CNN’s Jake Tapper reads an incoherent Biden quote from Morning Joe word-for-word: “That sound bite is supposed to be reassuring.” -- The Biden campaign's new approach is "blame the messenger even if they're the same people who helped try to convince everybody things were fine until that became an impossible task." Biden crowd begins booing reporters during this riff.

“The press has been hammering me because I sometimes confuse names. I say that’s Charlie instead of Bill. https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1811920572030300160/vid/avc1/886x514/DAK9cdbXtzoFJuit.mp4 -- No, Joe, that's not why those people are saying it's time for you to go. All this leads me to something Biden said during his campaign stops in Michigan yesterday before heading back to Delaware for the weekend. This should be his new campaign slogan: “I promise you … I’m okay,” Joe Biden tells supporters in Michigan. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GSUQOblWIAAIm1f?format=jpg&name=large -- "Biden 2024: I Promise You, I'm OK!" Not exactly the campaign message you want be focused on: I am alive! Get that on a bumper sticker ASAP! Fact check - 🤥 🤥 🤥 🤥 I couldn't help but notice that you could really feel the enthusiasm emanating from Biden supporter, Rep. Debbie Dingell: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GSXYQJGXgAEdpbU?format=jpg&name=medium -- Debbie Dingell just exudes “Bidenmentum” here. You can FEEL the excitement.

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