Can Milk Kill You?

8 months ago

Recent claims have caused concerns about raw milk and raw milk cheese. Learn about the potential risks and benefits of raw milk and cheese and why knowing where your dairy products come from is essential.

0:00 Introduction: The truth about milk and raw dairy products
0:25 Is raw milk safe?
0:50 The truth about E. coli
1:25 Farm hygiene and unpasteurized milk quality
1:36 Raw milk vs. pasteurized milk
2:00 Benefits of raw milk and raw milk cheese
4:15 Selecting the perfect cheese

Many people believe that raw milk is the number one cause of pathogens in dairy, but is it the raw milk itself causing the problem, or is it contaminated milk? It's important to remember that just because something is pasteurized doesn't automatically make it safe.

It's also important to understand that E. coli is not just found in raw milk but can be present in pasteurized milk, too. In fact, we all have E. coli bacteria in our gut right now, which helps with digestion. The problem arises when certain strains of E. coli become pathogenic due to unsanitary conditions on the farm where the milk is produced.

This is why knowing where you're getting your dairy products from is crucial, and ensuring that the farm follows strict hygiene protocols. If proper precautions are taken and the farm is clean, raw milk can be a beneficial option.

One of the main benefits of consuming raw milk and raw milk cheese is that they contain enzymes that aid digestion. For example, lactase helps break down lactose (milk sugar) making it easier to digest for those intolerant to lactose. Raw dairy products also contain probiotic-friendly bacteria that support our immune system and gut health.

Research has shown that children who consume raw milk have lower incidences of asthma, allergies, ear infections, and respiratory infections than those who consume pasteurized milk.

Choosing high-quality raw dairy products from grass-fed cows also provides additional benefits, such as higher levels of essential minerals, including calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which can aid in weight loss and have anti-inflammatory effects.

Of course, it's important to research and purchase grass-fed raw dairy products from a reputable source that prioritizes cleanliness.

Dr. Eric Berg is a retired chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He's the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals and is now focuses on health education.

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know where your dairy comes from, ensure hygiene protocols, grass-fed cows,

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