We Salute All Fathers Striving to be Godly Men in Today’s World.

2 months ago

**Happy Father's Day 2024!**

Pastor Martin takes a moment to reflect on what Father's Day means. "For me, growing up without a father, this holiday didn’t hold much significance. My Grandpa was my father figure—an evangelist and pastor full of wisdom, humor, and strength. Although he was a significant influence, he didn’t live with us, and home was where my sister and I lived with our Mom.

Throughout my life, I experienced various father figures, including a stepdad who promised adoption but left us with empty promises. My Grandpa’s passing during my rebellious years left Father's Day as a day to remember him but not much else."

Today, society often portrays fathers negatively—bumbling idiots, misguided morons, overbearing manipulators, or downtrodden workers. This portrayal is far from reality.

In the US, there are 13.6 million single-parent households, 84% of which are headed by single mothers. Fathers' absence is a significant issue, not a fictional narrative. Educational and legal systems are also contributing to the problem, with changes like removing "Father" and "Mother" from passport applications to be more gender-neutral.

The real issue isn't masculinity but sin. Both men and women commit sinful deeds, and masculinity itself isn't toxic. The Bible emphasizes the importance of fathers and their roles, highlighting that God created man and woman and blessed them.

In a time when being a father may seem undervalued, it’s crucial to remember the words of Jesus: "You are the light of the world." Being a Godly husband and father shines a beacon of light in today's world. Fathers have a significant role, as illustrated in scriptures like Ephesians 6:1-4 and Galatians 4:4-7, where God is referred to as our Father.

God designed the family to reflect His attributes. Fathers are to be protectors, providers, encouragers, and friends, demonstrating God’s love and care. Society may suggest otherwise, but the Bible makes it clear that fathers are irreplaceable stewards of their children.

We salute all fathers striving to be Godly men in today’s world. Keep up the good work, and if you've checked out, it’s time to get back in the game. Blessings!

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