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How governments sabotage environmental protection (by Ivo Sasek)
While all governments around the world are increasingly engaging in a veritable indulgence trade with climate and environmental protection measures, Austrian television station LT1 once again presented an extremely groundbreaking invention from Upper Austria in February 2024: Engineer Dr. h. c. Ulrich Kubinger, founder of the wastewater purification company VTA, presented a world novelty. His Hydropower prototype produces 100% green hydrogen. It allows a car to travel 200 km on 9 liters of waste water – without exhaust fumes! And even much more: „We know that a medium-sized wastewater treatment plant can supply a small town with energy. in other words, we have energy in abundance.“
Kubinger has developed a globally unique nanotechnology that makes it possible to split water into hydrogen and oxygen without any energy input. Until now, this was only possible using a very electricity-intensive electrolysis process. Now, only pure oxygen is released into the atmosphere in the course of 100% pollutant-free hydrogen generation – meaning zero CO2 emissions! Kubinger, who purifies water for 250 million people every day with his VTA, is now proclaiming the water purifying plants to be the green power plants of the future. Considering that Austria‘s sewage purifying plants alone could supply 1900 cities with green and almost cost-free energy, this is a powerful message to the „CO2“ troubled humanity. But it is also a powerful message to all the indulgence merchants who are constantly squeezing billions in profits out of us „environmental sinners“ with their panic-mongering press. And it is precisely at this point that things once again become extremely dangerous.
Anyone who thinks that this groundbreaking invention must also see the light of day just because it has been publicly published has either never heard of or has already forgotten how often this expectation has not been fulfilled in the past. So today I would like to remind you of a few world firsts that were enthusiastically publicized and then vanished into the air. I am doing this accompanied by an emergency call that this time the world community may please be vigilant to ensure that all the tragedies of the past cannot be repeated against Dr. Kubinger and his invention. Since the 18th century, a horror scenario has unfortunately been repeated with every pioneering invention of this kind. Parallel to all the inventions presented in the media, a climate mafia has nested in our environmental authorities and increasingly infiltrated them. Since the 18th century, countless inventors, such as Tesla, John Kanzius, Daniel Dingel etc., have presented their ingenious and even environmentally friendly inventions in full public. This has always happened.
Their appliances, power plants, engines etc. ran on energy sources alternative to fossil fuels, but none of them suited our rulers. They were all persecuted by shadow powers, by secret services, by the energy mafia and even by governments themselves. That‘s what we're talking about today. Now I come to examples. Stanley Meyer worked for NASA on the Gemini space program. He was a developer. He had 42 inventions patented for himself. In 1975, shortly after the artificially inflated oil crisis, he developed a water engine, a really efficient engine. And demonstrated this in a US documentary. Meyer did this in Ohio. He presented his vehicle, which was propelled solely by water. This system was so cleverly designed that even the water escaping from the exhaust could be reused without the need for refill. Meyer demonstrated his invention in front of a high-level scientific engineering review board In the end, they were compelled to certify: „This is one of the most important inventions of the century.“ Meyer‘s growing popularity attracted investors, but also legal attacks. Meyer died in 1998 at the age of 57, immediately after a dinner with two Belgian investors. His brother Stefan Meyer testified: „Stanley took a sip of cranberry juice and immediately put his hand to his throat, ran out the door, fell to his knees and vomited violently. I ran outside and asked what was going on? Stanley‘s shocking answer: „I‘ve been poisoned!“
Shortly afterwards, Meyer‘s home was broken into and his hydrogen cell-powered vehicle was stolen. The media announced that Meyer had died from a brain aneurysm. And with that, the project of independence from fossil fuels was dead as well. The Ogle carburetor: Also in the seventies, in the midst of the fake oil crisis, car mechanic Tom Ogle from El Paso in Texas developed the Ogle carburetor. However, he wanted to bring his fuel efficiency revolution to the people himself. Shortly after 24-year-old Ogle refused to sell his patent for 25 million US dollars, he died mysteriously in 1981. Although these patents still exist, his invention is ignored by the entire car industry. The magnetic motor, another example. German TV ZDF presented the magnet motor in a newsreel in 1962 and the Audi 100 in 1989. While these films were gathering dust in the Federal Archives, unknown forces also allowed the patents to fall into oblivion. And this despite the fact that the Audi 100 was tested seriously under the supervision of the TÜV. On a test route of over 4600 km across Europe, it demonstrably consumed just 1.76 liters of diesel per 100 km. 1.76 liters at full power. But our governments prefer to collect exorbitant taxes on all fuels in the name of environmental and climate protection. On any produced heat and pretty much on everything that emits CO2. We come to the thorium reactor. As far as the highly controversial nuclear energy is concerned, a thorium reactor [thorium = weakly radioactive heavy metal] was successfully tested for 15,000 hours in the years 1965-1969 under the name MSRE reactor. A reactor of this type is no bigger than a minibus, but with its safe energy it can replace a huge nuclear power plant.
And yet today, even the best trained nuclear physicists and specialists with a doctorate in nuclear physics or reactor technology are astonished. Most of them, like all of us, have only recently learned that such technology is even possible and even exists. China has now recently announced that it will be mass-producing previously named mini-reactors from 2030 onward that supply clean, CO2-free electricity. We come to the „Cold Fusion“. However, the scientific world has known about the possibility of cold fusion for at least 35 years. The chemists Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons shook the entire scientific community back in 1989. Why? Because they are said to have produced a nuclear reaction at room temperature. Until then, nuclear fusion could only be imagined under high pressures unattainable on earth, or at temperatures of at least 150 million degrees. Can you see the difference?
With their novel process, which they called cold fusion, the two chemists pointed to a future in which energy can be generated cheaply, cleanly and in large quantities without any problems. After they became the most discussed researchers in modern science, however, these two brilliant inventors also began to be increasingly harassed until their financial resources were exhausted, their reputations ruined and all their powers left in the dust. Only the idea of cold fusion has been left behind. But in the wrong hands. In this speech today, I am only touching on a tiny number of such lost inventions. But I will say this: instead of financing all these publicly documented super inventions, a coalition of pioneering states at the World Bank conference is currently planning a new project. And they want to burden us with it. A global climate tax is to be adopted at the 2025 Climate Change Conference, which is expected to raise billions for climate protection. The Global South alone will need one trillion dollars per year from 2025 onward for CO₂ reduction and adaptation. In order to maintain new heat records, official fraudsters falsify the data from measuring stations. These are located almost exclusively in cities, between concrete blocks, where there is a grotesque distortion of the true temperatures – this is nothing new. However, the USA is now doing it even more brazenly. They refer to the ancient weather agency NOAA. However, it has now come to light that 30% of these stations (!) no longer exist. However, they still allowed their supposed data to flow into the statistics. How does that work again? Quite simply by estimating them. How fraudulent is that? Canada also preferred to increase the CO2 tax by 23% on April 1, 2024, instead of focusing on and promoting all environmentally friendly inventions and long-existing beneficial technologies. Do you see the problem?
On the same day, Prime Minister Trudeau and members of parliament received a salary increase of 4.4%. As far as Germany is concerned, the magazine Cicero had obtained internal documents from the Habeck ministry by legal action. What has come to light? Gigantic deceptions. Now we can see in black and white how systematic deception was initiated in two ministries led by the Greens. A lie. Why? To prevent the continued operation of nuclear power plants. Sometimes the assessment of the ministry‘s own experts was deliberately reversed. Why? To deliberately misinform the public. This is called fake news. It‘s called disinformation. This procedure was to be covered up. Nevertheless, one year after the nuclear phase-out, Habeck is still flooding Germany and the world with all kinds of disinformation, especially about electricity prices and CO2 balances: While Habeck promised that security of supply would always be guaranteed, he deliberately concealed the fact that this is only possible in conjunction with ever-increasing costs. While Habeck pretended that CO2 emissions had fallen by 20%, he deliberately concealed the fact that only industrial production had collapsed, which is why CO2 emissions had fallen and electricity consumption had fallen by just under 10%. But also because Germany has imported coal-fired electricity from abroad to cover its needs at low cost, without this showing up in the CO2 balance.
However, Prof. Dr. Peter Seppelfricke from Osnabrueck University of Applied Sciences has now calculated the additional amount of electricity that had to be produced from coal. This corresponds to around 26 million tons of additional emissions. Recognize from this how honestly, kindly and benevolently our top politicians treat us! In addition to countless similar tragedies in energy technology, the suppression of the most valuable inventions is also taking place in all other sectors. Meanwhile, other long-suppressed inventions are being concealed worldwide, and their inventors are often even eliminated. We take a look at a few more tragedies: Towards the end of the 19th century, Victor Grebennikov developed an airworthy antigravity standing plate, slightly larger than a footstool. With which he could fly over 300 m high and at extreme speeds. The public discovered him by chance and so he made the headlines.
And it was like being in a bubble, without any of the usual physical effects, such as aerodynamics, headwinds, gravitational influences or anything else. And without any engine. After he had provided this proof, he was gripped by fear. Why? For one thing, because the patent office gave him a hard time from the very first hour and he was suddenly attacked by all kinds of people. After he had presented his anti-gravity flight plate in a book with hundreds of exact illustrations and precise descriptions, the authorities came into play. The authorities suddenly forced his publisher to make really serious edits to the book. The media treated him like an extraterrestrial danger. Grebennikov died a completely resigned man. Recognize the insidious game of governments! That's why we‘re talking about it today. Thomas T. Brown also developed an anti-gravity device in the early 20th century. After decades of debate and triggering fascination and skepticism, he too was banished to solitude. Witnesses report how the CIA took over his research results and deleted everything that had been made available to the public. Similar to what they have done with many other inventors.
I don‘t need to repeat the tragic story of Nikola Tesla here, it is all too well known. In any case, Tesla died in total poverty, ridiculed by his established scientific communities, without being able to realize his dreams. His papers and all his ideas were confiscated by the US government and nothing of importance was made available to the public. Do you see how the game works? Recognize the hidden true intentions of governments. What is being played here! We come to the Rife machine: Royal Raimund Rife developed his Rife machine at the beginning of the 20th century. An invention that could effectively diagnose all kinds of viruses, bacteria and cancer cells and cure their effects. His laboratory reports and eyewitnesses state that he cured first animals and then people of cancer without damaging human tissue. Rife insisted on a one hundred percent success rate in the treatment of cancer. Countless cured cancer patients testify to the same. Nevertheless, he was viciously challenged and persecuted by the medical community and the pharmaceutical industry.
By Big Pharma, of all things, which has always produced more deaths than cures. The American Medical Association, or AMA for short, also sued Rife for practicing healing without a license. After lengthy legal disputes, Rife‘s laboratories were searched and his research documents destroyed. His supporters said that there had been an orchestrated effort by the medical establishment to discredit and suppress his work. You see, driven by financial interests and because of their own status, which they saw threatened by this, it all happened. Rife‘s life after the lawsuit was tragic. He lived in seclusion and his health deteriorated. He died in 1971, penniless, largely forgotten and cruelly discredited. Recognize the black invisible hand that is reaching out to us through our so-called health authorities!
We come to the orgone generator Wilhelm Reich had invented the orgone generator. This device was one of the most fascinating and controversial inventions in the field of alternative medicine. Reich witnessed many different healings from all kinds of illnesses to cancer. All patients who had used this generator testified that Reich‘s generator had healed them. But controversy from the scientific community and, of course, Big Pharma was not long in coming. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) launched an investigation into Reich‘s work, particularly his testimonials about the medical benefits of the orgone generator. In 1954, the FDA obtained an injunction against Reich, ordering him to stop distributing his writings and orgone generators. When Reich defied this injunction, he was arrested and imprisoned. The various legal attacks were particularly questionable because Reich worked for free. He did not charge money for curing his patients. His laboratory was burnt to the ground. He died a broken man in prison in 1957. All of these examples mentioned so far were initially openly praised by the forced-fee media, as is currently the case with Dr. Kubinger‘s Hydropower, which allows a car to travel 200 kilometers on 9 liters of wastewater in an environmentally friendly way. That‘s exactly how it has always been! I‘ll give you more examples of where this has happened.
Thirty-six years ago, both Swiss and German television were already hailing a patent from Ciba-Geigy, now Novartis. Using a very inexpensive electrical process, this pharmaceutical giant produced gigantic archetypes of corn and fish. Each of these corn stalks not only bore 7 large cobs. This maize was also completely resistant to pests. The trout and salmon were about a third larger than today‘s fish. But this pharmaceutical giant prefers to make a profit from its highly toxic fertilizer products and the seed giants would much rather generate their super profits from their genetically modified hybrid seeds. These are seeds that only bear fruit once, then they are dead. They cannot be propagated. And so every farmer has to buy new seed from them every year. Even the documentaries broadcast in 1992, which had thrilled both presenters and all German-speaking viewers, disappeared into the SRF and SWR archives and are no longer available today. This shows once again how selfishly and ruthlessly pharmaceutical giants treat entire populations. But so do governments.
And so we could list other incredible inventions all day long, but their existence and their inventors are categorically dragged through the mud: Now just a few more examples in short form: Corn fields with a height of over 5 meters and tomato plants with 500 fruiting bodies per bush could have been planted long ago. Wouldn‘t be a problem. The world hunger problem could easily be solved several times over in one year.
It has long been possible to send electricity through the air over any distance. A Chrysler engine has long been running on a closed carbon dioxide circuit. Motors that can be powered by any form of plant have existed for a long time. But neither the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) nor any government is interested in this, even though almost everyone knows about it. They prefer to implement their seed amendment. What is that? This includes the liberalization of new genetic engineering, the promotion of seed patents and additional restrictions on the free transfer and development of traditional seeds. You can no longer sell anything that can then be multiplied. This blocks or even bans all alternatives to industrial seeds. Our governments prefer to cling to their new climate protection guidelines: They prefer to create their own carbon market for all fuels in the EU from 2027. Metaphorically speaking, from 2027 they want to have just one large EU barrel containing all fuels and combustibles. Anyone wishing to sell these fossil fuels must then bid for the rights via a joint EU trading platform. It is to be expected that further EU actions will also drive forward the disempowerment of nation states. It is therefore necessary that more and more people recognize this and stand united against this EU dictatorship. The distribution of this program is a further step in this direction. Let people hear that there is also a special camera that can show all the internal organs of the human body, including the internal processes, live on a screen without harmful radiation.
There are special liquids. You can use these to coat an egg and then heat it directly with a 2000° flame for 3 minutes, then crack it and it will still come out liquid afterwards. For 120 euros, you could fireproof your whole house. But the fire insurance companies refuse to do this, even though 80% of all house fires start from a stove and they could prevent this. But then 80% fewer people would take out fire insurance – that‘s the point. Money always rules! There are also insulating paints, as thin as ordinary paint, which make any other insulation of walls and ceilings superfluous. How so? Because we are simply kept in ignorance about many of the natural laws of alternative insulation. There is an explosion-proof net construction that could be installed in any airplane tank or whatever. Even in a hail of bullets, the kerosene, gas or whatever it contains would not explode. It all exists.
You could get indestructible plastic houses delivered on a trailer for less than 20,000 euros. Every desert in the world could be supplied with fresh water almost free of charge. All these technologies exist. But our governments prefer to use weather weapons that are hidden from us, which increasingly cover us with poisoned air, constant rain and cold, as we are constantly experiencing. Jet airplanes could be powered by water long ago. Back in 1996, members of the US House of Representatives had the pleasure of taking part in a live demonstration of a permanent magnet motor, a very effective motor. But they responded to this privilege with anger and sued the inventors because they saw themselves and the United States threatened by it. That‘s what's going on in the background. Dear ones, the world community is ruled by political background powers that constantly pretend to want and do our best. In reality, however, they repeatedly do the exact opposite, as this documentary once again proves. Because this excess of deception emanates from the highest levels of responsibility, most people find it very difficult to accept this fact. That is our problem.
That is why I have once again compared some current political guidelines and demands with the actual actions of our rulers. However, they hide these atrocities from us by any means necessary. Nevertheless, they are coming to light more and more inexorably, that‘s the good thing. So stay tuned with us so that your doubts can vanish into thin air as a result of the contradictions that have been uncovered. Recognize that those who rule us repeatedly do the exact opposite of what they lie to us. Recognize from the aforementioned juxtapositions what they hold against us on the one hand, and what they simultaneously wit old from us on the other! May everyone's eyes be opened! And I will conclude by saying: We urgently need a fifth power in our so-called democratic states. The current separation of powers has degenerated into a great deception, as we can see everywhere. This is because legislation and government are no longer separate, in reality, so that the power of the state is distributed unilaterally. A state must check whether the laws laid down in the constitution are being observed – otherwise the „state authority“ must intervene if necessary.
Again, in a democracy, the state itself must also be controlled, as it is also obliged to abide by the rules. The separation of powers should ensure that the state does not have unlimited power and that this cannot be abused by those in power. But, as we have seen, the four powers that were supposed to control each other are now forming a secret tangle. That is why we can no longer avoid creating another fifth power that is authorized to regulate the legislative (lawmaking), executive (executive bodies), including the judiciary and mass media. This fifth power must be elected from the completely unbiased people. They must be wise and loyal people who are not blinded by any conflicts of interest. As a united people, we can really overcome them and catch them, the criminals. Please send any further relevant information to Kla.TV: Who exactly is preventing what? For what apparent reasons – apparent motives? For what real reasons/motives? As light dispels darkness, so your dissemination of this program will help to overcome the evil forces that have been denounced and to make them visible. Always bear in mind that all these abusers of power are only a tiny minority of the world's population. I am Ivo Sasek, who has been standing before God for 48 years.
from is.
Energy from wastewater – Dr. Kubinger's invention
Stanley Meyer‘s water motor
Ogle carburetor
Cold fusion by Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons
Nikola Tesla
Thomas T. Brown‘s anti-gravity device
Rife machine
Orgone generator by Wilhelm Reich
Further sources on Stanley Meyer
Magnetic motor, Audi 100, thorium reactor
(Source no longer available, saved in the Kla.TV archives)
Taxes on all fuels
Project COP30 – Global climate tax
Falsified data from US weather stations
Canada increases CO2 tax and parliamentary salaries on the same day day
Secret Habeck files, falsified CO2 balances
Viktor Grebennikov
Procedure for ancient forms of plants and fish (primeval code)
Sources on the “seed amendment”
See sources from
“SMEI” - the “Single Market Emergency Instrument” deprives EU states of residual sovereignty
EU sanctions to disempower nation states
Presentation of various inventions that did not achieve a breakthrough
Presentation by Dennis Lee at If-Church, 2006 (DVD saved in the Kla.TV archives)
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