Voices from the past and the earring

7 months ago

Good morning and the story today it’s again about one of my friend’s daughter that have a natural gift to remember past lives and connection with the spirit world, the mother that I have talked about in the past have a strong connection too but refusing to develop her gift afraid of this unknown world that surround us and can be seen reaching a certain frequency.

My friend’s daughter, I won’t reveal the name have been showing a powerful connection that hopefully will maintain even when growing up will face a world that will try to repress anything that isn’t accepted from the mainstream narrative.

What she have done this time? Apparently she got a small infection in one ear where she keep an earring, there was a religious celebration of one of her cousins and wanted to wear the earring but her parents told her not to put it on due to the infection but she didn’t want to listen, the day after trying to do it without parentes permission she run to her father scared saying that a hand prevented that she could do it and a voice saying to stop immediately, my friend asked who the voice was from and she said that was a voice of an old man maybe the great-grandfather that died one year ago.

Obviously she got a strong connection with the Spirit world but you might ask why she does and other doesn’t, it is believed in the spiritual society that we go trough reincarnations learning lessons once a lesson is learned we carry that in the next life, once we reborn we forget about previous lives but carry within us the wisdom of past learned lessons, when we seems to know things or to learn things so easily that’s the knowledge we carry from the past.

It make sense to me and would explain why someone already know something that takes a lot of study and efforts for others to gain, my friend’s daughter has a special role in the future and will be her parents responsibility to make sure she will be able to develop her natural gifts.

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