Wade speaking at the Great Forest National Park Rally at Mansfield, Victoria, Australia - 13/7/2024.

2 months ago

Here in Mansfield today, on the edge of the High Country in Victoria, Billboard Battalion attended a public rally and Farmer Wade has spoken at this rally which is to try and stop Australian public bushland from being turned into National Parks which will virtually lock out all of the public and most industry.
Today we saw a number of speakers address a crowd of hundreds in the Mansfield Botanical Park.
The community is very unhappy and see’s the incredible danger from Government parasites and saboteurs who are shutting down the people’s rights to have entry to and the enjoyment of more and more of our land that they are turning into so called National Parks.
These assassinations of the Australian people’s right of entry are being undertaken under the specific direction of International Australia hating terrorist organisations such as the World Economic Forum, United Nations and World Health Organisation.
Our Australian Governments, most of who are apart of these International terrorist organisations are taking these actions as a part of the numerous horrific agenda’s that these terrorist organisations want to impose on the Australian people. These attacks are just part of a number of attacks being launched against the Australian people, our country, our jobs and industries, our economy and our overall safety, wellbeing and health.
These National Parks must not go ahead and in-fact all of the National Parks that have been formed must be rescinded and this land returned to public forests.
To push for these objectives to return these national parks to public forest is the main reason why Billboard Battalion was in attendance today.
Farmer Wade’s speech was very well received by the crowd as more and more people are being educated as to what is happening, who is behind it and why.
These actions by Governments in attacking the Australian people are serving to rally more and more of the Australian people against the Government and the horrendous crimes they are committing.
It is the roll of the Australian people to defend our county against the criminals who are trying to destroy it.
This is where the principals of democracy come into play and we must push this as hard as it is possible to do.
If we fail to do this, within only a few years, our kids and grandkids will have no future left.
Wade Northausen
Billboard Battalion
Saturday 13th July, 2024
Mansfield, Victoria.

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